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The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow rapporterer
#12607: "Shutdown communication during night"
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• Forklar venligst dit forslag præcist og sammenfattende, så det er så let som muligt at forstå, hvad du mener.
During night time, players should not be able to send messages using the chat, as talking during the night is not permitted I think in the game.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v74
tilalilalou • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
29. maj 2019 14:55 • Fortune teller should not be able to tell something before dawn, if she is still alive.
Players try to guess who is werewolf or not based on who writes or don't at night, which is not in the spirit of the game I think.
Players try to guess who is werewolf or not based on who writes or don't at night, which is not in the spirit of the game I think.
Pantoufle • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
29. maj 2019 20:39 • I've played another online adaptation of the game who was approved by the original creators. Chat is no permitted at all during the night, only the wolves can chat between themselves when they have to choose who to eat (no one can read what they're saying at that time).
I've read the rules from the card game. They say that everyone has to sleep, eyes closed. When the Narrator calls any role during the night, the called character(s) can open their eyes, rise their head and and point people but have to stay silent.
From both these sources, it is evident that chat should not be allowed at all during night if you want to stay close to the original Loups-garous de Thiercelieux game.
At the time, the seer for example can immediately tells their information during the night when they have a good chance to die at the morning, which is not something that has been allowed anywhere I've played the game.
I've read the rules from the card game. They say that everyone has to sleep, eyes closed. When the Narrator calls any role during the night, the called character(s) can open their eyes, rise their head and and point people but have to stay silent.
From both these sources, it is evident that chat should not be allowed at all during night if you want to stay close to the original Loups-garous de Thiercelieux game.
At the time, the seer for example can immediately tells their information during the night when they have a good chance to die at the morning, which is not something that has been allowed anywhere I've played the game.
-HKS- • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
2. jun 2019 8:09 • I am with Pantoufle. No talking should be allowed at night.
marion_scr • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
2. jun 2019 21:49 • Exemple of cheating with night taliking :
Table #52580182
THe little said what she saw at night just before dying. She shouldn't have talked because she should have been dead in the morning
Table #52580182
THe little said what she saw at night just before dying. She shouldn't have talked because she should have been dead in the morning
Entoine_Fk • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
8. jun 2019 18:52 • There is a bug where a werewolf and the hunter are the last player !!!
So the werewolf eat the hunter who MUST shoot back, but CAN'T shoot the last player!
So the werewolf eat the hunter who MUST shoot back, but CAN'T shoot the last player!
J-Effe IV • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
9. jun 2019 1:57 • +1. At the very least, please allow the creator of the table to disable it.
xxerox • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
10. jun 2019 17:54 • Its general in EVERY SINGLE WW/MAFIA GAME AROUND THE WORLD that during the night no one to be able to speak.
Didgeridoof • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
16. jun 2019 8:09 • I agree, shutdown communication at night. I have ADHD and have issues with impulse control, and got so excited to play werewolf today as the little girl that I accidentally said the werewolf's name at night, before I died, which the other players rightfully denounced as cheating. I didn't mean to cheat, but I remembered and regret breaking the real life rule once I said it. I would appreciate it if the interface didn't allow for this at all.
ClimateChangeIsReal • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
5. jul 2019 23:08 • I agree with this with the following restrictions:
(1) Dead players should still be able to talk amongst themselves at night, and
(2) there should be a 5-10 second "twilight" after lynching where people can talk before night (to allow people to finish last-second thoughts)
(1) Dead players should still be able to talk amongst themselves at night, and
(2) there should be a 5-10 second "twilight" after lynching where people can talk before night (to allow people to finish last-second thoughts)
Serilo • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
13. aug 2019 15:10 • This is incorrectly filed as suggestion - it is a bug.
101waystomeeturmaker • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
17. aug 2019 7:02 • i suggest creating an additional option during selection for the setting "chaos" where night talking is permitted without option selected then no discussion at night is possible..
BronzeKnight • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
19. aug 2019 0:48 • This bug should become high priority. It ruins so many good games.
JCase16 • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
26. aug 2019 17:13 • I agree. I ruined a game without thinking about it. Please disable chat during the night
ShawnStar • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
7. okt 2019 4:42 •
5. apr 2020 16:10 • Talking at night leads to table fighting and drama nearly every game.
Marcooooo • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
22. apr 2020 10:21 • I talk at night during werewolves games and I don't see the problem. But I think some players gave me red thumbs for that, and now I can't play with them forever on the whole BGA website.
You should just make it an option during the setup of the game, "talk at night : disabled" so there is no more conflicts about it.
You should just make it an option during the setup of the game, "talk at night : disabled" so there is no more conflicts about it.
barium2000 • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
11. maj 2020 14:35 •
17. maj 2020 21:15 • I disagree with this suggestion. The guidelines for BGA developers are aimed at REPLICATING, as much as possible, a real board game experience, and not creating a videogame. Therefore, we should ask:
Can people speak at night during the "real" boardgame? YES (as there is no switch that allow mute real people...).
Do people usually speak at night during the "real boardgame"? NO, as they adhere to some "honor code".
Therefore, it is the decision of players who they play with. In my personal experience, people usually adhere to that honor code of not revealing relevant information during night (althought they may say non-relevant stuff)
My suggestion to tackle this issue (in decreasing order of preference) would be:
1- Allow the table admin to state the "house rules" in a special (e.g., highlighted) message at the beginning of the game, and vote down users who do not adhere to them.
2- (less preferred) Enable this option as an optional switch by the table admin.
Can people speak at night during the "real" boardgame? YES (as there is no switch that allow mute real people...).
Do people usually speak at night during the "real boardgame"? NO, as they adhere to some "honor code".
Therefore, it is the decision of players who they play with. In my personal experience, people usually adhere to that honor code of not revealing relevant information during night (althought they may say non-relevant stuff)
My suggestion to tackle this issue (in decreasing order of preference) would be:
1- Allow the table admin to state the "house rules" in a special (e.g., highlighted) message at the beginning of the game, and vote down users who do not adhere to them.
2- (less preferred) Enable this option as an optional switch by the table admin.
Alius1 • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
22. maj 2020 13:43 •
22. maj 2020 23:21 • This should be optional! So a setting to turn on or off. I would like to downvote it in the current style
aghagh • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
23. maj 2020 11:11 • A comment on some of the latest comments. I think Implemented games here at BGA should allow just what's allowed in the game. They are not Vassal modules. In physical games a player may ruin a game in many ways : punching on the board, flipping players' cards, taking more tokens than he's supposed to, etc. Would we want that ? Would we really leave it up to players to respect not only game rules but a minimum of social manners as well? I think it's the wrong approach. Playing online has some drawbacks as compared to physical games, but it also has some advantages. Let's make use of them.
Online chat for this game should be cut at night (except for the dead chat, of course). Optionally, as Pantoufle mentions, an open chat just for werewolves could also be considered (if so, it should not be indicated who is currently writing on top of the chat window, as that would give way the werewolves).
Online chat for this game should be cut at night (except for the dead chat, of course). Optionally, as Pantoufle mentions, an open chat just for werewolves could also be considered (if so, it should not be indicated who is currently writing on top of the chat window, as that would give way the werewolves).
kllll • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
24. maj 2020 8:28 •
9. jun 2020 7:26 • there is a bug with the vote.
First bug,
(a)ww is killed by barber and (a)ww can still vote.
Second bug,
hunter shoot twice after die.
First bug,
(a)ww is killed by barber and (a)ww can still vote.
Second bug,
hunter shoot twice after die.
Maximaths • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
13. jun 2020 22:56 • Showing your cursor should be prohibited as well.
Jeb_101 • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
1. jul 2020 17:28 • You shouldn't be able to do anything exepct play. For example, If you are ww, you should only be able to eat villagers at nighttime.
mala34ii • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
2. jul 2020 11:29 • Je suis désolé je suis agent sécurité ya un moment j'étais très occupé
Darknighter • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
17. jul 2020 15:00 • The graphics are all over the place which is making it difficult to understand the game..... And little graphical changes can do wonders with the game
I_call_yellow • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
19. aug 2020 2:04 •
27. okt 2020 16:09 •
27. okt 2020 16:09 •
11. nov 2020 10:49 •
11. nov 2020 10:50 •
11. nov 2020 10:50 •
8. dec 2020 8:11 • i agree. especially if there is cheating. people say roles and share urls so they converse on discord and vote off ft every night and That is cheating, slong with sny talking as stated above!,,,,
docter • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
19. jan 2021 3:04 • when the game no cupido and thief didn't swap,there will be cupido bug sometimes.
cupido bug=no cupido but have cupido timer
cupido bug=no cupido but have cupido timer
pogthebrave • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
2. aug 2021 18:09 • I think it could be a choice like it is currently used as a HR
Kells96 • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
31. okt 2021 20:58 • If Thief does not swap in the game there Will be appaer a cupid bug even when cupid is not in the game
BillyBullet • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
30. maj 2022 4:28 •
7. okt 2022 21:48 • I can't report anything, always the error message. what is the tech support link??? how can they want someone to be a paying user with a site with bad technical support?
KonaStar • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
1. feb 2025 4:54 • Honestly I disagree with this. Lots of people like to joke and play around I understand giving up information but people should be better than that. I think this is a personal thing and would ruin some of the fun charm to the game if we couldn’t talk at all.
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