#130871: "Trader Action: Change "Done" to "No further trades""
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• Venligst kopier/indsæt fejlmeddelelsen du ser på din skærm, hvis der er en.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Venligst forklar hvad du ønsker at gøre, hvad du gjorde og hvad der skete
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Mozilla v5
• Venligst kopier/indsæt tekst vist på engelsk i stedet for dit sprog. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• er der adgang til denne tekst i oversættelsessystem? Hvis ja, er det blevet oversat inden for 24 timer?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Forklar venligst dit forslag præcist og sammenfattende, så det er så let som muligt at forstå, hvad du mener.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Hvad blev der vist på skærmen, da du blev blokeret (Blank skærm? Noget af spilbrugerfladen? Fejlmeddelelse?)
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Hvilken del af reglerne blev ikke respekteret ved BGA-tilpasningen
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Er regel-brudddet synligt i e
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Hvad var den spilhandling du ønskede at udføre?
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvad forsøgte du at gøre for at udløse denne spilhandling?
• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgre at gøre dette (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• I hvilket stadie af spillet opstod problemet (hvad var den daværende spilinstruktion)?
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgte at udføre denne spilhandling (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Venligst beskriv display problemet. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Venligst kopier/indsæt tekst vist på engelsk i stedet for dit sprog. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• er der adgang til denne tekst i oversættelsessystem? Hvis ja, er det blevet oversat inden for 24 timer?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
• Forklar venligst dit forslag præcist og sammenfattende, så det er så let som muligt at forstå, hvad du mener.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
Looking again at this I can't tell whether the string is being used anywhere else in the game, so it may be safer to revert it to "Cancel" than to refer specifically to the trading action.
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- Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.