#141304: "Stock Count is NaN"
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• I hvilket stadie af spillet opstod problemet (hvad var den daværende spilinstruktion)?
During the stock reveal phase, The stock counter shows NaN. I need to declare 1 stock of the green company but when the counter is NaN, The game throws an exception. F5 doesnt work• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgte at udføre denne spilhandling (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
When i click on the reveal button, the system throws an exception. The game is blocked. I'm not able to play and the time is counting down.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v129
I am also experiencing this bug - there seems to be a workaround where if you play on a mobile interface, you can declare your stocks. However, this is really annoying and I suspect would not take much work to fix - can someone please look at this?
Tilføj noget til denne rapport
- Et andet bord-ID / træk ID
- Løste F5 problemet?
- Skete problemet flere gange? Hver gang? Tilfældigt?
- Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.