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Forest Shuffle rapporterer
#147404: "Game showed that I could play a free deer card, then when I played it nothing happened"
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Play a second deer after being granted the free placement from the first deer• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v131
29. nov 2024 0:25 •
firgon • Udviklerne har brug for mere information for at genskabe denne fejl:
29. nov 2024 15:00 • is it possible that you accidentally press 'pass' instead of play?
quangoflopper • Udviklerne har brug for mere information for at genskabe denne fejl:
29. nov 2024 15:49 •
29. nov 2024 18:09 • Yeah now that I think about it this seems pretty likely. I realised that when you're playing a bonus card, the play button is on the left, and the pass button is on the right. Whereas in any other situation, the play button is on the right. So I'm probably just clicking the button on the right on autopilot. Have you considered adding a confirmation dialogue to the pass functionality?
cdaveb • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
21. dec 2024 3:28 • I have had this happen twice now. It just happened in this game:
The first time it happened I thought maybe I'd pressed the wrong button. It's possible it happened again this time but I was more careful this time, unfortunately there's no way for me to see what actually happened, but definitely some pass confirmation might prevent it.
The first time it happened I thought maybe I'd pressed the wrong button. It's possible it happened again this time but I was more careful this time, unfortunately there's no way for me to see what actually happened, but definitely some pass confirmation might prevent it.
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