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Dungeon Petz rapporterer
#32114: "Employee of the Month suggestion"
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It would be great to have it come up as an option to use Employee of the Month when using it. For example, I had 2 cages side by side. And the petz both had 2 unsatisfied play needs. It would have been great when I was allocating imps for it to prompt me, "Would you like to use employee of the month to satisfy play needs?" Instead I kind of panic'ed a bit...had to cancel out....then try to figure out how to activate it. I did figure out that you had to click employee of the month before clicking the Imp to satisify play needs.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Mozilla v5
DanSF • Dette forslag er endnu ikke analyseret af udviklerne:
18. jan 2021 3:30 • This is just a suggestion. I almost misclicked the Imp and assumed my EotM would be activated.
Victoria_La • Udviklerne er enige om, at det er en god idé, og har intentioner om at arbejde på det:
21. jan 2021 2:34 • It does suggest it in some cases like with armour, but with play its a bit messy now with buttons | and _
if I add emp of the month it will be 4 buttons. Anyway I will think about it
if I add emp of the month it will be 4 buttons. Anyway I will think about it
AnotherPlayer • Udviklerne er enige om, at det er en god idé, og har intentioner om at arbejde på det:
21. jan 2021 6:01 • I just ran into this similar issue where I wasn't sure if it was applying the employee of the month to play with a pet. I just selected to play, but the game took into account that I did want to use the employee of the month. I'm not sure if it is clear that you need to click on the artifact. When I did click it, the game said "no one can use this artifact".
Shivaware • Udviklerne er enige om, at det er en god idé, og har intentioner om at arbejde på det:
11. maj 2021 13:45 • I wanted to combine employee of the month with the long handled shovel. I was using mobile and didn’t notice the artifact blinking. Luckily, I found this bug and realized I had to click the artifact first. An extra button to use the shovel with employee of the month would have made it even clearer.
It’s completely usable the way it is, so thanks for doing such a great job on this game!
It’s completely usable the way it is, so thanks for doing such a great job on this game!
Guiannos • Udviklerne er enige om, at det er en god idé, og har intentioner om at arbejde på det:
12. maj 2021 22:12 • So you have to click the artifact before the imp? I just tried to use this to double a ‘play’ assignment and am getting an error that no imp can use it. I already assigned the imp on the first pet that had one play need and the 2nd it is tending too has 2 play needs. As scripted now there is no retraction to be able to fix the assignment.
Guiannos • Udviklerne er enige om, at det er en god idé, og har intentioner om at arbejde på det:
12. maj 2021 22:16 • Ah, there was a full turn rollback. I was trying to undo during the actions. The artifact use is unclear but I take back the bit about not having a workaround. Good foresight devs! 😀
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