#6440: "Game log shows duplicate actions"
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The game log shows my opponent's actions multiple times. This appears to be related to undo; the undone actions aren't being removed from the game log properly. Replaying from the beginning of my opponent's turn (action 129) to see what actually happened leaves the game log looking correct. However, this sometimes triggers #2483, leaving the board displaying a green legend in place of my blue legend on g7. I strongly suspect both of these bugs are related to undo.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Firefox 50.1.0
Thanks for your ideas to help with bug #2483, but that one is more related to the way pieces move, rather than undo.
Repeated here:
This isn't necessarily a bug, and for (turn-based) Tash-Kalar games it's very useful to inspect your opponent's what-if moves and undoes, to infer/guess what faction-cards, legend cards and flares they might be holding(/not holding). So you only want to not see the second-and-subsequent move and undo.
Hard to see BGA implementing a game-specific change on logs just for Tash-Kalar and only to remove the 2nd or subsequent undone move... also including the (nested) case where opponent does move A, move B, undoes move B, undoes move A. Even harder in the corner-case where they have 3+ actions due to a flare/faction-card giving extra action/EverFrost frozen effect.
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