#70514: "Modify the allocation of ELO points according to difficulty"
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• Venligst kopier/indsæt fejlmeddelelsen du ser på din skærm, hvis der er en.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Venligst forklar hvad du ønsker at gøre, hvad du gjorde og hvad der skete
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Venligst kopier/indsæt tekst vist på engelsk i stedet for dit sprog. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• er der adgang til denne tekst i oversættelsessystem? Hvis ja, er det blevet oversat inden for 24 timer?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Forklar venligst dit forslag præcist og sammenfattende, så det er så let som muligt at forstå, hvad du mener.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Hvad blev der vist på skærmen, da du blev blokeret (Blank skærm? Noget af spilbrugerfladen? Fejlmeddelelse?)
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Hvilken del af reglerne blev ikke respekteret ved BGA-tilpasningen
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Er regel-brudddet synligt i e
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Hvad var den spilhandling du ønskede at udføre?
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvad forsøgte du at gøre for at udløse denne spilhandling?
• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgre at gøre dette (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• I hvilket stadie af spillet opstod problemet (hvad var den daværende spilinstruktion)?
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgte at udføre denne spilhandling (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Venligst beskriv display problemet. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Venligst kopier/indsæt tekst vist på engelsk i stedet for dit sprog. Hvis du har et skærmbillede af denne fejl (god øvelse), kan du bruge Imgur.com til at uploade den og kopiere/indsætte linket her.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• er der adgang til denne tekst i oversættelsessystem? Hvis ja, er det blevet oversat inden for 24 timer?
• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
• Forklar venligst dit forslag præcist og sammenfattende, så det er så let som muligt at forstå, hvad du mener.
In my opinion, as in all cooperatives, successful matches should be rewarded with a higher allocation of ELO points.
Especially if matches are played at a higher difficulty.
In fact, it is very disappointing to see a +1 attributed to one's points after even an hour of play.
Let's try to give the player a little more respect and gratification, please.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v104
Base: +4 elo
Characters: no change
Hard: x2 elo
Normal: x1 elo
Easy: x0 elo
Bank job: x1 elo
Office job: x0.75 elo
Fort Knox job: x0.75 elo
Walls: no change (potentially a bonus of x1.25 if you choose random wall and don't reroll the walls)
Multi-characters: no change
Deadbolt: no change
If elo given is 0, increase it to 1.
Since the time of the game kinda multiply by the number of players, let's do a big change:
1 player: x1.25 elo
2 players: x1 elo
3 players: x2 elo
4 players: x3 elo
So maybe the ELO points for Burgle Bros could be based on how many Stealth Tokens you had left at the end, how many unused Tools you had left at the end, how fast all the guards are moving at the end, or some combination.
For example, if all the guards are moving at 6, then you clearly took your time. But each guard moving slower than that indicates that you spent less time on that level. And if you finish with 6 unused Tools, then clearly you ransacked the place (3 safes, 2 laboratories, plus an extra one from either The Rigger or the Jury-rig event) without using the tools you found. And obviously, if you finish with your Stealth Tokens intact, you did a better job than if you finished by the skin of your teeth with no Stealth Tokens left.
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