#84637: "Was not able to purchase a tree during my turn even though I had enough tree points and enough space"
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On my last turn I tried to purchase a 6 tree costing card (the one that gave you as many sun points as kodama points you had), but I could not click it and the interface only showed me options to play sun, water, wind or gain an x.• Hvad forsøgte du at gøre for at udløse denne spilhandling?
Explained above.• Hvad skete der, da du forsøgre at gøre dette (fejlmeddelelse, meddelelsesstatusbjælke, ...)?
Could not click on the tree I wanted to purchase. Also, the interface only showed me options to play sun, water, wind or gain an x.• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v111
The problem only appeared once, it was my last turn and then the game ended so I do not know if it would have happened again.
- There were no trees available to purchase _from the base game_ that cost 6 or fewer (we'd already bought them all!), and
- I had exactly 6 "tree dollars" and would otherwise be able to purchase the expansion sun tree (which also costs 6 dollars).
I suspect the implementation logic checks to see if any trees could be purchased with the amount of money available, but only checks the available base game trees. (If you have enough money to buy an available base game tree, the option to buy any tree with the correct cost is then available to you.)
La touche F5 n'a pas réglé le problème, il est apparu une seule fois sur la partie pour moi un une autre fois pour un autre joueur
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