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Caper: Europe rapporterer
#85903: "London coin tie breaker not counting hideout"
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• Hvilken del af reglerne blev ikke respekteret ved BGA-tilpasningen
For a tie breaker, total coins wins but in a tied game, the coins that were laundered in London were not counted causing me to report only 1 coin instead of 4, thus losing me the game.• Er regel-brudddet synligt i e
end of game, round 43• Hvilken browser bruger du?
Google Chrome v111
Ryjaz • Fejlen er ikke blevet reproduceret af udviklere endnu:
10. apr 2023 5:07 • At least one user on BGG agrees that the ocins should be counted:
Tammo • Fejlen er ikke blevet reproduceret af udviklere endnu:
10. apr 2023 5:09 • I would argue that it may not be a bug, because coins in the hideout are a scoring component and aren't used as buying coins anymore (so only the supply coins should count). In any case, we would appreciate a ruling here.
Kayvon • Denne fejl vil ikke blive rettet:
13. apr 2023 16:07 • Interesting bug. Thanks for bringing this up.
I went back and reread the rules. When the rules talk about players gaining, having, and spending coins, it seems to me that they're referring to your personal stash of coins, even though they don't explicitly say that you can't spend coins from your hideout. In fact, the only time that any sort of distinction is made is on page 18 when the new cities are introduced.
If I'm going to interpret the tie breaker to also refer to the hideout coins, I would also need to allow users to gain and spend from the hideout, which seems to violate the attention. That combined with the city's built-in point bonuses for hideout coins nudges me towards leaving this the way it is.
tl;dr: I'll leave it as is for the time being.
I went back and reread the rules. When the rules talk about players gaining, having, and spending coins, it seems to me that they're referring to your personal stash of coins, even though they don't explicitly say that you can't spend coins from your hideout. In fact, the only time that any sort of distinction is made is on page 18 when the new cities are introduced.
If I'm going to interpret the tie breaker to also refer to the hideout coins, I would also need to allow users to gain and spend from the hideout, which seems to violate the attention. That combined with the city's built-in point bonuses for hideout coins nudges me towards leaving this the way it is.
tl;dr: I'll leave it as is for the time being.
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