12 Chip Trick
12 Chip Trick er et spil med 12 jetoner.
Spillet varer flere runder. I slutningen af hver runde, får spilleren med højeste sum af jetoner ét point.
Men, hvis summen overstiger 21 så har du tabt! Vær opmærksom på de jetoner du får samlet! Den første spiller der når 3 point har vundet spillet.
Antal spillere: 2 - 4
Spillængde: 21 mn
Kompleksitet: 2 / 5
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Spil 12 Chip Trick og 1003 andre spil online.
Ingen download nødvendig - spil direkte fra din webbrowser.
Med dine venner og tusindvis af spillere fra hele verden.
Play and gather Chips whilst trying not to exceed a total Chip value of 21
The chips in the game are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
In a four-player game there are four extra chips: 3 4 9 10
On your turn, pick a chip to play. (The chip chosen does not have to relate to the previous chip.)
Once all players have played, the player with the highest chip (or highest chip played earliest if a tie) gets first choice on which viewable chip to take, then in clockwise from them everyone else takes a chip of their choice
Two rules on collection:
1) The player who collected first (i.e. played highest earliest) puts their collected chip in a display area in front of them whilst everyone else takes their new chips into their hands
2) Red chips must always be taken before any other color
After this, the player who took first is now the player to play first in the new round
Round End
If the player who is now supposed to start the round has no chips in hand (i.e. they are all in that player's display area) the round ends
All remaining players transfer their hand chips to their display area
All players whose chips total over 21 are eliminated for the round
The remaining player with the highest total gains a Score Tile to show they won the round
If everyone was eliminated, the player with the highest total out of those eliminated gains the Score Tile
In either case, if there is a tie for highest, all tied players win a Score Tile
Game End
The first player to collect 3 Score Tiles wins
If there is a tie, all players who tied win together