In the Age of Civilization, you must lead your people to their glorious future. Analyze the characteristics of every era you are facing, make the best choice for your kingdom development, and become several famous civilizations in our fascinating history. By going through the rise and fall of empires, a unique civilization of yours will finally arise!
Age of Civilization is a pocket-sized civilization game. Throughout one game, each player leads up to three historical civilizations to form a unique combination of abilities. Players build Wonders, research technology, develop culture, conquer for glory, or even exploit their people. Only the player who wisely manages their workers and wealth can achieve the greatest civilization.
Game-play overview
The game is played with 6 rounds. In the 1st round, each player picks one civilization card in the market and gains a number of worker tokens according to the population value indicated on the civilization card. Players may assign workers to action slots in the public region. There are usually 5-6 actions for each player to choose and these actions change between rounds. By assigning workers, players carry out the actions' effects such as earning coins or paying coins for technologies, wonders, or victory points, etc. At the end of a player's turn, workers may return to the player or disappear according to the kind of action it was working on.
In subsequent rounds, players MAY pick another civilization card to replace their previous one. In that case, you reset the number of your workers to the population value indicated on the new civilization card and you lose the main ability of your previous civilization, but the legacy abilities of all your civilizations last forever. In each game, a player can only pick three civilization cards in total, so deciding when to raise a new civilization and which civilization combinations to pick is a big strategic decision of players. When the 6th round ends, the player with the most victory points is the winner.
Convinced? Give it a try here: ... vilization
We would love to thank not only Mistergos, who developed this game for Board Game Arena, but also Jeffrey CCH and ICE Makes publishing for giving authorization to have this game here.
And that's it for today!
Come Wednesday, we will have more for you.
But that's it for the moment.
Take care and play fair!
AGE OF CIVILIZATION: Når udviklingen finder sted!
I Age of Civilization skal du lede dit folk til deres glorværdige fremtid.
Analyser karakteristikaene for hver epoke, du står over for, tag det bedste valg for dit kongeriges udvikling, og bliv flere berømte civilisationer i vores fascinerende historie.
Ved at gennemgå imperiers opkomst og fald, vil din unikke civilisation endelig opstå!
Age of Civilization er et civilisationsspil i lommestørrelse.
I løbet af et spil fører hver spiller op til tre historiske civilisationer for at danne en unik kombination af evner.
Spillere bygger vidundere, forsker i teknologi, udvikler kultur, erobrer for ære eller endda udnytter deres folk.
Kun den spiller, der klogt forvalter deres arbejdere og rigdom, kan opnå den største civilisation.
Oversigt over spil
Der spilles 6 runder.
I 1. runde vælger hver spiller et civilisationskort på markedet og får et antal arbejderpoletter i henhold til befolkningsværdien angivet på civilisationskortet.
Spillere kan tildele arbejdere til action slots i den offentlige region.
Der er normalt 5-6 handlinger for hver spiller at vælge, og disse handlinger skifter mellem runderne.
Ved at tildele arbejdere udfører spillerne handlingernes effekter, såsom at tjene mønter eller betale mønter for teknologier, vidundere eller sejrspoint osv.
I slutningen af en spillers tur kan arbejdere vende tilbage til spilleren eller forsvinde alt efter den slags handling, den arbejdede på.
I de efterfølgende runder MÅ spillerne vælge et andet civilisationskort til at erstatte deres tidligere.
I så fald nulstiller du antallet af dine arbejdere til den befolkningsværdi, der er angivet på det nye civilisationskort, og du mister hovedevnen fra din tidligere civilisation, men alle dine civilisationers arveevner varer evigt.
I hvert spil kan en spiller kun vælge tre civilisationskort i alt, så det er en stor strategisk beslutning for spillerne at beslutte, hvornår en ny civilisation skal rejses, og hvilke civilisationskombinationer, der skal vælges.
Når 6. runde slutter, er spilleren med flest sejrspoint vinderen.
Prøv det her:
Vi vil elske at takke ikke kun Mistergos, som udviklede dette spil til Board Game Arena, men også Jeffrey CCH og ICE Makes publishing for at give tilladelse til at have dette spil her.
Og det var det for i dag!
Kom onsdag, vi har mere til dig.
Men det er det for øjeblikket.
Pas på dig selv og spil fair!