A newly released Roll & Write driven territorial war with a modular board!
In Lumen: The Lost World, two clans clash in the Lost World where the seasons coexist in harmony. The inhabitants are another matter, mind you, with the People of the Day and the People of the Night at perpetual war for possession of the Lumens.
The game is a territorial duel driven by a roll-and-write mechanism, and players will try to spice up their choices and recruit mercenaries by developing the skills of their factions. Each round, the players choose to combine the result on two dice in order to recruit fighters and give orders to those existing on the board. Each territory is worth Lumens. With each movement, reveal the discovery tokens that will bring you Lumens or bonus actions. The player with the most Lumens wins.
There are, of course, a lot of scenarios to change-up your gameplay.
The game is quite simple, quite deep, and you can judge it for yourself if you want to go through the very short tutorial available here.
You can play it right now from this link to discover everything you need to know about it:
We would like to thank the Lumberjack Studio team, as well as Bruno Cathala and Corentin Lebrat for the authorization to have the game on our platform.
And nothing would have been possible without the cool work done by thoun to make the game playable on pretty much any web-enabled device. Try it. 😉
That's it for today!
Until next week, take care and play fair!
(And thanks a lot for your support. You make BGA what it is today, and for the years to come.)
LUMEN: Må LYSET være med dig!
En nyligt udgivet Roll & Write-drevet, territorial krig med et modulært bræt!
I Lumen: The Lost World støder to klaner sammen i den Glemte Verden, hvor årstiderne sameksisterer i harmoni.
Indbyggerne er en anden sag, vel at mærke, med Dagens Folk og Nattens Folk i evig krig om besiddelse af Lumens.
Spillet er en territoriel duel drevet af en roll-and-write-mekanisme, og spillerne vil forsøge at krydre deres valg og rekruttere lejesoldater ved at udvikle deres faktioners færdigheder.
Hver runde vælger spillerne at kombinere resultatet på to terninger for at rekruttere krigere og give ordrer til dem, der allered er på brættet.
Hvert territorium er Lumens værd.
Med hvert træk kan du afsløre de opdagelsesbrikker, der vil give dig lumen eller bonushandlinger.
Spilleren med flest lumen vinder.
Der er selvfølgelig en masse muligheder for at ændre din spillestil.
Spillet er ret simpelt, ret dybt, og du kan selv bedømme det, hvis du vil gennemgå den meget korte tutorial , der er tilgængelig her.
Du kan spille det lige nu fra dette link for at finde ud af alt, hvad du behøver at vide om det:
Vi vil gerne takke Lumberjack Studio-teamet samt Bruno Cathala og Corentin Lebrat for tilladelsen til at have spillet på vores platform.
Og intet ville have været muligt uden det seje arbejde udført af thoun for at gøre spillet spilbart på stort set enhver web-aktiveret enhed.
Prøv det.
Det var det for i dag!
Indtil næste uge, pas på og spil fair!
(Og mange tak for din støtte.
Du gør BGA til, hvad det er i dag og i årene fremover.)