Great Western Trail
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Spillængde: 2.9 dage
Dette spil er en del af en turnering: World Cup 2024 - FINAL Strategic Games - Stage 2
Hver gang du kommer til Kansas, kan du opgradere dit orange Simmental-kvæg til næste fase for at gøre det mere værdifuldt.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Smid præcis 2 kvægkort af samme type væk og få 3 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver 1 felt fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen.
- Betal 5 Dollars og foretag handlingen "Fjern en fare"
- Flyt din kvægdriver 2 felter fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen
- Foretag handlingen "Ansæt en arbejder" med en rabat på 1
- Flyt dit tog lige så mange felter fremad, som du har ingeniører
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible (i.e. until you reach your temporary certificate limit)
- Move your cattleman 5 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 2 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- For each bell space on your auxiliary add-on that you have completely cleared, move your certificate marker 1 space forward AND gain 1 Dollar.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Buy cattle from the cattle market
- Smid præcis 2 kvægkort af samme type væk og få 3 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver 1 felt fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen.
- Fjern en farebrik for 5 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver op til 2 felter fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen
- Smid præcis 1 kvægkort med værdi 3 væk og få 7 Dollars
- Foretag en enkelt eller dobbelt hjælpehandling
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible
- Move your herder up to 5 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Remove another hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Gain as many Dollars as you have builders in your builder row
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
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Tilgængelige spillere med Great Western Trail blandt deres favoritter

Spil resultat
Hver gang du kommer til Kansas, kan du opgradere dit orange Simmental-kvæg til næste fase for at gøre det mere værdifuldt.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Smid præcis 2 kvægkort af samme type væk og få 3 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver 1 felt fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen.
- Betal 5 Dollars og foretag handlingen "Fjern en fare"
- Flyt din kvægdriver 2 felter fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen
- Foretag handlingen "Ansæt en arbejder" med en rabat på 1
- Flyt dit tog lige så mange felter fremad, som du har ingeniører
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible (i.e. until you reach your temporary certificate limit)
- Move your cattleman 5 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 2 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- For each bell space on your auxiliary add-on that you have completely cleared, move your certificate marker 1 space forward AND gain 1 Dollar.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Buy cattle from the cattle market
- Smid præcis 2 kvægkort af samme type væk og få 3 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver 1 felt fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen.
- Fjern en farebrik for 5 Dollars
- Flyt din kvægdriver op til 2 felter fremad på ruten. På det nye sted må du udføre fase B igen
- Smid præcis 1 kvægkort med værdi 3 væk og få 7 Dollars
- Foretag en enkelt eller dobbelt hjælpehandling
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible
- Move your herder up to 5 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Remove another hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Gain as many Dollars as you have builders in your builder row
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again