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Spillængde: 2.2 dage
Dette spil er en del af en turnering: World Cup 2024 - FINAL Family Games - Stage 2
- Three of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Four of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Full house scores 25 points
- Small straight scores 30 points
- Large straight scores 40 points
- Five of a kind scores 50 points. Each extra Five of a kind scores 100 bonus points
- A five of a kind can be used to score Full house, Small straight, or Large straight when Five of a kind box and the corresponding upper section box have been filled already
- Chance scores the sum of all dice
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Spil resultat
- Three of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Four of a kind scores the sum of all dice
- Full house scores 25 points
- Small straight scores 30 points
- Large straight scores 40 points
- Five of a kind scores 50 points. Each extra Five of a kind scores 100 bonus points
- A five of a kind can be used to score Full house, Small straight, or Large straight when Five of a kind box and the corresponding upper section box have been filled already
- Chance scores the sum of all dice