INTRODUKTION Coins er et trick-kortspil for tre spillere. Et spansk spil med 48 kort er
Kulør Pokaler, Mønter, Sværd, Køller.
Kulørenes indbyrdes værdi Pokaler indeholder mønter, Mønter køber Sværd, Sværd skærer Køller, Køller ødelægger Pokaler.
VÆRDI (høj til lav) Es, Konge (Rey), Ridder (Caballo), Knægt (Sota), 9 til 2.
VÆRDI AF STIK Der er tre typer stik, de er
1. De tre kort i tricket er af tre forskellige kulører. Farbe A slår kulør B, og kulør B slår
kulør C (se DRÆGT RELATIVE VÆRDIER ovenfor). Farve A vinder tricket.
2. To kort af tricket er af samme kulør, og det tredje har en anden kulør. Jo højere
rangeret, vinder kort med samme farve tricket (se RANKS ovenfor).
3. De tre kort i stikket har alle samme kulør. Kortet med den højeste værdi vinder stikket.
SPILLETS FORMÅL Spillerne bliver i begyndelsen enige om en målscore, såsom 10 eller 15 eller 20 point. Hver
kort i Coins-farven er et point værd. Så snart en af spillerne når målscoren,
han vinder spillet.
SPIL Kortgiveren af spillets første hånd er den ældste spiller. I efterfølgende hænder, spilleren
til højre for vinderen af de sidste stik-aftaler. Spilleren på kortgiverens højre side blander
kort. Spilleren på kortgiverens venstre side deler bunken.
The entire deck is dealt face down, one card at a time, clockwise, beginning on the dealers left.
After all the cards have been dealt, the player to the dealers left leads the trick by placing any
card from his hand face up on the table. Then the player to that players left likewise plays any
one of his cards. Finally, the third player (the dealer) plays any card.
The player with the highest valued card in the trick (see TRICK CARD VALUES above) wins the trick.
The trick winner adds the number of Coins in the trick to his total, collects the three cards of
the trick, and places them face down on his stack of tricks. The winner of the trick leads the
next trick.
Kortstakken er en mongolsk fortolkning af spanske kort.
Antal spillere: 3
Spillængde: 43 mn
Kompleksitet: 3 / 5
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Spil Coins og 1004 andre spil online.
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INTRODUCTION Coins is a trick taking card game for three players. A Spanish deck of 48 cards is used. Mark Steere designed Coins in October, 2022.
SUITS Cups Coins Swords Clubs
RANKS (high to low) Ace, King (Rey), Knight (Caballo), Knave (Sota), 9 to 2.
TRICK CARD VALUES There are three types of tricks, as follows.
1. The three cards of the trick are of three different suits. Suit A beats suit B, and suit B beats suit C (see SUIT RELATIVE VALUES above). Suit A wins the trick.
2. Two cards of the trick are of the same suit and the third is of a different suit. The higher ranked, same-suit card wins the trick (see RANKS above).
3. The three cards of the trick are all of the same suit. The highest ranked card wins the trick.
OBJECT OF THE GAME Players initially agree on a target score such as 10 or 15 or 20 points. Each card of the Coins suit is worth one point. As soon as one of the players reaches the target score, they win the game.
PLAY The dealer of the first hand of the game is the oldest player. In subsequent hands, the player to the right of the winner of the last trick deals. The player to the dealer's right shuffles the cards. The player to the dealer's left cuts the deck. The entire deck is dealt face down, one card at a time, clockwise, beginning on the dealer's left. After all the cards have been dealt, the player to the dealer's left leads the trick by placing any card from their hand face up on the table. Then the player to that player's left likewise plays any one of their cards. Finally, the third player (the dealer) plays any card.
The player with the highest valued card in the trick (see TRICK CARD VALUES above) wins the trick. The trick winner adds the number of Coins in the trick to their total, collects the three cards of the trick, and places them face down on their stack of tricks. The winner of the trick leads the next trick.
AUTHOR’S NOTE Feel free to publish this rule sheet and to program the game of Coins. No licensing fee or royalties are expected. However, please don’t change the name or the rules, and please attribute the game to me, Mark Steere. My other games can be found at