Med Elawa får du alle smagene af et fantastisk spil men i et mindre format!
Du skal samle din forhistoriske stamme, mens du indsamler de nødvendige ting for dens udvikling. Men du skal ikke tro, du får hjælp fra de andre høvdinge: Dine valg om lejrbålet er allerede fyldt med udfordringer...
I hver tur, skal der tages et kort fra dem, der er rundt om bålet på bordet, tilføj det til din stamme med billedsiden opad og få et antal ressourcer, der tillader dine stammemedlemmer at bruge sine egenskaber.
Antal spillere: 2 - 4
Spillængde: 10 mn
Kompleksitet: 2 / 5
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Spil Elawa og 959 andre spil online.
Ingen download nødvendig - spil direkte fra din webbrowser.
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Draft cards and obtain resources to build the best tribe by game's end
First, take a card from the table and take resources equal to the number on the lower right
The resources are taken in a clockwise order from the stack after where the card was taken from
If you take the last resource from a stack, take a bonus resource from the central pile and make a new stack of 5 from the supply
After you've taken your resources, you may purchase any cards in your hand that you hold the matching resources for, discarding the resources upon use
Bones are Wild Resources
Some cards with the designated symbol require you to also discard a hand card in addition to resources
Some cards have immediate effects which are triggered at the moment they are played
If previously played, you may place a single resource on cards which stockpile resources for end game scoring
At turn end, discard any excess resources: 4 capacity in basic game, 3 capacity in advanced game
Game End
The game ends when the resource supply is emptied, there will still be resources in the stacks, the current round runs its course
Some cards will give you definitive points
Some cards will give you points per feature on your cards
Some cards will give you points per resource stockpiled
The player with the most points wins, if tied the player with the most remaining resources wins