Teotihuacan: City of Gods
Rejs tilbage i tiden til den største by i Mesoamerika. Bær vidne til den mægtige præ-Columbianske civilisations storhed og fald. Læg strategi, opnå rigdom og gudernes gunst og bliv bygmester på den storslåede Solens Pyramide.
I Teotihuacan: City of Gods, har hver spiller kommandoen over en arbejdsstyrke af terninger, som vokser i styrke for hvert træk. På din tur rykker du en arbejder rundt på en modulær spilleplade, og må hver gang vælge et af de to områder på den brik du lander på: én tilbyder dig en handling (og en opgradering af din arbejder), den anden forsyner dig med en mægtig bonus (men uden opgradering).
Mens spillerne styrer deres arbejdsstyrke og ressourcer opdager de nye teknologier, bestiger trapperne på de tre store templer, bygger huse til byens indbyggere og rejser den legendariske og ærefrygtindgydende Solens Pyramide i byens midte.
Hver spil finder sted over tre æraer. Som Aztekernes opstigen nærmer sig, evalueres spillernes anstrengelser (og deres evne til at skaffe mad til deres arbejdere) tre gange. Den mest anerkendte spiller vinder.
Antal spillere: 2 - 4
Spillængde: 46 mn
Kompleksitet: 3 / 5
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Your Workers are Dice. You can't roll them! The numbers show their level.
On your turn, you take one Worker (die) and move it clockwise one, two, or three boards around the perimeter.
On each board, you can choose from three actions:
- Collect Cocoa: gain cocoa equal to the number of unlocked dice colours present before you place your die, plus one. Place your worker in the general area (i.e., not the Worship space) of the board. Cocoa is used to pay for other actions.
- Main action: pay Cocoa equal to the number of the dice colours present before you place your die, then activate the benefit of the location (collect resources, build the pyramid, etc., check the "?" on the area for help). Then you can usually level up your Worker(s) according to the symbols (bluish die) shown. The Palace board has no main action space (the general area is used for collecting cocoa and ascensions).
- Worship: place your Worker in the coloured box to one side on each board. If another Worker is already present in the worship space, pay 1 Cocoa and unlock it. You gain either the top (temple track advancement) or bottom (discovery tile) benefit, or you can pay an additional Cocoa to gain both. Your Worker is now locked (cannnot be played, and doesn't count for Cocoa count). The Palace board has three Worship spaces, each with a mandatory benefit (you may pay one Cocoa to gain a discovery tile as well). The Technology board and the Pyramid board have no worship spaces.
Unlocking Workers
Two methods: 1 - Instead of taking a normal turn, you may unlock all of your locked Workers for free
2 - You may pay 3 cocoa to unlock all locked Workers during a normal turn.
When a Worker levels up to six pips, it immediately "ascends". Reset the die to 1 and place it in the general area of the Palace board, move your marker up one space on the Avenue of the Dead (burial track), gain an ascension benefit (they appear around the reserved dice to the right of the pyramid), and advance the white/light marker toward the black/eclipse marker.
The Eclipse counter (white disc) moves one step after each player has played once (and also when Ascending).
When the white disc reaches the black disc on the turn counter, this triggers an Eclipse. This triggers a VP count according to multiple parameters after everyone has played once.
Players must then pay 1 cocoa per worker plus 1 additional for each worker of power 4 or 5. Each cocoa a player cannot/will not pay costs them 3 VP.
This is not the game end (yet).
Mask Scoring: Set of 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 different masks, Scores 1/3/6/10/15/21/28 points.
Each player also scores victory points based on their position on the Avenue of the Dead and the Pyramid track.
Game End
The game ends after three eclipses or after the pyramid is completed, with each player getting (at least) one final turn.