MMota27 bruger
for at tjene
MMota27 sacrificed
in Bowl 2 to get
from Bowl 2 to Bowl 3
11:50 AM
Comander047 afslår at Veksle
Comander047 chooses 1 Bonus card
Comander047 siger pas
3/22/2025 01:51 AM
ThomasMagnum afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum takes a lava flow action (Kingdom of Ember ability) [G5] → [H5]
10:13 PM
MMota27 afslår at bygge et Hjemsted i denne omgang
MMota27 transforms a Terrain space
(Kæmpernes Borg) [C4]
09:07 PM
Comander047 afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum pays
and gets
via Structures [D7]
MMota27 gets
via Structures [D7]
Comander047 får
Comander047 upgrades a Hjemsted to a Handelshus for
03:06 PM
ThomasMagnum afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum place a new
(Kingdom of Ember ability) [G5]
ThomasMagnum gains
(Special action)
02:31 PM
Albertinhoo afslår at Veksle
02:27 PM
Albertinhoo chooses 1 Bonus card and gets
Albertinhoo får
Albertinhoo siger pas og bliver startspilleren i næste runde
02:26 PM
MMota27 rykker frem på Skibsbanen for
og får
11:38 AM
Comander047 afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum pays
and gets
via Structures [E9]
Comander047 får
Comander047 upgrades a Hjemsted to a Handelshus for
09:19 AM
Comander047 afbryder sit træk
3/21/2025 09:18 AM
ThomasMagnum afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum gains
on the Jordkulten track (Fordelsbrik)
ThomasMagnum tager en Fordelsbrik
11:50 PM
Comander047 pays
and gets
via Structures [E10]
10:58 PM
ThomasMagnum afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum place a new
and gain
(Kingdom of Ember ability) [G5]
ThomasMagnum upgrades a Handelshus to a Tempel for
10:41 PM
Albertinhoo advances on the Shipping Track for free and earns
(Mermaids Stronghold)
MMota27 declines getting Power via Structures [D5]
07:15 PM
Albertinhoo afslår at Veksle
Albertinhoo upgrades a Handelshus to a Stronghold for
06:54 PM
Albertinhoo pays
and gets
via Structures [D4]
06:53 PM
MMota27 upgrades a Handelshus to a Stronghold for
02:35 PM
ThomasMagnum pays
and gets
via Structures [F6]
02:29 PM
Comander047 afslår at Veksle
Comander047 builds a Dwelling for
Comander047 pays
and gets
via Structures [E10]
01:36 PM
ThomasMagnum afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum place a new
and gain
(Kingdom of Ember ability) [G5]
ThomasMagnum får
ThomasMagnum upgrades a Hjemsted to a Handelshus for
01:02 PM
MMota27 pays
and gets
via Structures [D5]
3/20/2025 10:59 AM
Albertinhoo afslår at Veksle
Albertinhoo får
Albertinhoo upgrades a Hjemsted to a Handelshus for
10:55 PM
Albertinhoo gets
via Structures [D4]
MMota27 får
MMota27 upgrades a Hjemsted to a Handelshus for
08:58 PM
Comander047 afslår at Veksle
ThomasMagnum gets
via Structures [E9]
Comander047 builds a Dwelling for
Comander047 transforms a Terrain space
Comander047 bruger
for at få
Comander047 sacrificed
in Bowl 2 to get
from Bowl 2 to Bowl 3
ThomasMagnum gets
Albertinhoo gets
Comander047 gets
~ Leftover bonus cards receive 1 Coin each ~
Comander047 chooses 1 Bonus card
11:49 AM
MMota27 chooses 1 Bonus card
3/19/2025 01:07 AM
Albertinhoo chooses 1 Bonus card
10:16 PM
ThomasMagnum chooses 1 Bonus card
09:27 PM
Comander047 places a Hjemsted [H6]
06:37 PM
MMota27 places a Hjemsted [D4]
06:25 PM
Albertinhoo places a Hjemsted [D5]
04:20 PM
ThomasMagnum places a Hjemsted [G5]
ThomasMagnum transforms a Terrain space
ThomasMagnum places a Hjemsted [E10]
ThomasMagnum transforms a Terrain space
01:21 PM
Albertinhoo places a Hjemsted [E4]
12:58 PM
MMota27 places a Hjemsted [C5]
12:50 PM
Comander047 places a Hjemsted [D7]
12:31 PM
~ Alle spillere har valgt en Race og modtager deres respektive startressourcer. ~
ThomasMagnum spiller Kingdom of Ember (starter med
Albertinhoo spiller Havfruer (starter med
MMota27 spiller Kæmper (starter med
Comander047 spiller Ingeniører (starter med
12:30 PM
Fan Factions: On - with Fire & Ice
Fire and Ice - Factions: Valgt
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles: Valgt
Landscapes expansion: Ikke valgt
Game board: Redigeret Basis Spil
Assigning faction Kingdom of Ember on
to play in position #4
Assigning faction Sværmere on
to play in position #3
Assigning faction Kæmper on
to play in position #2
Assigning faction Ingeniører on
to play in position #1
3/18/2025 12:29 PM
Vidste du?
Hvis en spiller ikke spiller, så bare vent til han løber tør for tid, og så smid ham ud af spillet.