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Rumbleman tjener 1 Thaler
06:38 PM
bobbypumps receives a warehouse
Rumbleman receives a warehouse
killerkilroy receives a warehouse
1782: Each player receives a warehouse from this space and either 1 victory point or 1 Thaler.
A flag token has been flipped over: Rhineland
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
Exporting coal to Rhineland
Phase 7: Award Export Victory Points
bobbypumps siger pas
bobbypumps builds a lock (Dahlhauser Lock) and earns 3 victory points
bobbypumps pays 3 Thalers for building a lock
06:37 PM
killerkilroy siger pas
06:32 PM
Rumbleman siger pas
Rumbleman bygger et varehus ved Witten og tjener 2 sejrspoints
Rumbleman betaler 3 Thaler(e)
Rumbleman builds a lock (Kemnader Lock) and earns 3 victory points
Rumbleman pays 3 Thalers for building a lock
Phase 6: Purchases and Debt Management
bobbypumps gets a development token from his board (Essen Warehouse)
killerkilroy gets a development token from his board (Løn)
killerkilroy gets a development token from his board (Port Ruhrort)
killerkilroy gets a development token from his board (Essen Warehouse)
Rumbleman gets a development token from his board (Grafschaft Mark Warehouse)
Phase 5: Claim Progress Markers
Rumbleman moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
05:34 PM
bobbypumps receives 3 Thaler(s)
bobbypumps spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
bobbypumps sells a coal die to Port Ruhrort for 4 Thaler(s).
05:30 PM
Rumbleman moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
05:26 PM
killerkilroy receives 2 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
killerkilroy sells a coal die to Hammer Mill (Industri) for 3 Thaler(s).
05:11 PM
Rumbleman receives 3 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
Rumbleman sells a coal die to Hammer Mill (Industri) for 4 Thaler(s).
Phase 4: Deliver Coal
Rumbleman pays 2 Thaler for the selected action
Rumbleman moves to a Coal storage location using Hauling & Pilot action
04:33 PM
killerkilroy pays 1 Thaler for the selected action
killerkilroy moves to a Coal storage location using Hauling action
04:27 PM
bobbypumps moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
02:16 AM
Phase 3: Choose Special Action & Position Barge
Cannot add another Thaler to: Blankenstein
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Hattingen
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Kettwig
Drawing a marker: Kettwig/Hattingen/Blankenstein cities
Phase 2: Draw Demand Marker
1780: Costs for builing a lock increase to 3 Thalers.
A flag token has been flipped over: Rhineland
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
bobbypumps earns 3 victory point(s) for exporting (export value: +2; row bonus +1)
Exporting coal to Belgien
Phase 7: Award Export Victory Points
Rumbleman siger pas
01:05 AM
Rumbleman builds a lock (Herbeder Lock) and earns 3 victory points
Rumbleman pays 2 Thalers for building a lock
01:04 AM
killerkilroy siger pas
killerkilroy receives warehouses from a holding box
killerkilroy builds a lock (Kettwiger Lock) and earns 2 victory points
killerkilroy builds a lock (Mühlheimer Lock) and earns 2 victory points
killerkilroy pays 2 Thalers for building a lock
12:57 AM
bobbypumps siger pas
bobbypumps builds a warehouse in Port Ruhrort and earns 2 victory points
bobbypumps betaler 3 Thaler(e)
12:55 AM
Phase 6: Purchases and Debt Management
Rumbleman receives warehouses from a holding box
Rumbleman gets a development token from his board (Grafschaft Mark)
killerkilroy gets a development token from his board (Lock Building)
bobbypumps gets a development token from his board (Supply)
bobbypumps gets a development token from his board (Port Ruhrort)
Phase 5: Claim Progress Markers
bobbypumps moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
12:54 AM
killerkilroy receives 4 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
killerkilroy sells a coal die to Forge (Industri) for 5 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
12:41 AM
bobbypumps moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
bobbypumps receives 4 Thaler(s)
bobbypumps spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
bobbypumps sells a coal die to Werden (By) for 5 Thaler(s).
3/24/2025 12:40 AM
Rumbleman receives 2 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
Rumbleman sells a coal die to Port Ruhrort for 3 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
11:47 PM
Phase 4: Deliver Coal
killerkilroy pays 1 Thaler for the selected action
killerkilroy moves to a Coal storage location using Hauling action
11:42 PM
A coal die value is increased by 3 (using the Coal hauler token)
11:41 PM
bobbypumps uses the Transport action and moves 1 coal die to an empty depot
bobbypumps moves to a Coal storage location using Transport action
Rumbleman moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
11:01 PM
Phase 3: Choose Special Action & Position Barge
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Blankenstein
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Mülheim
Drawing a marker: Blankenstein/Mülheim cities
Phase 2: Draw Demand Marker
Rumbleman moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
11:00 PM
1779: Coal dice on the transport track are moved to the paved path.
A flag token has been flipped over: Belgien
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
No export takes place in this round
Phase 7: Award Export Victory Points
killerkilroy siger pas
bobbypumps siger pas
bobbypumps builds a lock (Neukircher Lock) and earns 2 victory points
bobbypumps pays 2 Thalers for building a lock
10:55 PM
Rumbleman siger pas
Rumbleman receives warehouses from a holding box
Rumbleman builds a lock (Spillenburger Lock) and earns 2 victory points
Rumbleman builds a lock (Horster Lock) and earns 2 victory points
Rumbleman pays 2 Thalers for building a lock
10:19 PM
Phase 6: Purchases and Debt Management
This was the last token of this kind (Coal Hauler); bobbypumps covers his spot with a blank development token
killerkilroy claims a white development token (Coal Hauler)
bobbypumps gets a development token from his board (Løn)
Rumbleman gets a development token from his board (Lock Building)
Phase 5: Claim Progress Markers
Rumbleman moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
10:18 PM
killerkilroy receives 1 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
killerkilroy sells a coal die to Port Ruhrort for 2 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
10:17 PM
Rumbleman moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
09:49 PM
bobbypumps receives 2 Thaler(s)
bobbypumps spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
bobbypumps sells a coal die to Hammer Mill (Industri) for 3 Thaler(s).
09:37 PM
Rumbleman receives 4 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
Rumbleman sells a coal die to Gun Factory (Industri) for 5 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
Rumbleman takes 1 Thaler(s) from the location
Rumbleman receives 1 Thaler(s)
A coal die value is increased by 3 (using the Coal hauler token)
09:18 PM
Phase 4: Deliver Coal
Rumbleman pays 2 Thaler for the selected action
Rumbleman moves to a Coal storage location using Hauling & Pilot action
09:17 PM
killerkilroy moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
08:39 PM
bobbypumps uses the Transport action and moves 1 coal die to an empty depot
bobbypumps moves to a Coal storage location using Transport action
08:10 PM
Phase 3: Choose Special Action & Position Barge
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Witten
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Blankenstein
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Kettwig
Drawing a marker: Kettwig/Witten/Blankenstein cities
Phase 2: Draw Demand Marker
Rumbleman betaler 1 Thaler(e)
08:02 PM
killerkilroy betaler 1 Thaler(e)
07:32 PM
bobbypumps betaler 1 Thaler(e)
07:12 PM
1775: Each player must pay 1 victory point or 1 Thaler now.
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
No export takes place in this round
Phase 7: Award Export Victory Points
Rumbleman siger pas
07:11 PM
killerkilroy siger pas
07:06 PM
bobbypumps siger pas
bobbypumps receives warehouses from a holding box
bobbypumps builds a lock (Rohmühler Lock) and earns 2 victory points
bobbypumps builds a lock (Baldenger Lock) and earns 2 victory points
bobbypumps pays 2 Thalers for building a lock
07:04 PM
Phase 6: Purchases and Debt Management
Rumbleman claims a white development token (Coal Hauler)
killerkilroy gets a development token from his board (Supply)
bobbypumps gets a development token from his board (Lock Building)
Phase 5: Claim Progress Markers
bobbypumps moves the pushed coal die to an empty depot
07:02 PM
Rumbleman receives 3 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
Rumbleman sells a coal die to Port Ruhrort for 4 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
06:14 PM
killerkilroy receives 0 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
killerkilroy sells a coal die to Werden (By) for 1 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
06:09 PM
bobbypumps receives 1 Thaler(s)
bobbypumps spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
bobbypumps sells a coal die to Forge (Industri) for 2 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
bobbypumps takes 1 Thaler(s) from the location
bobbypumps receives 1 Thaler(s)
06:02 AM
Phase 4: Deliver Coal
killerkilroy pays 2 Thaler for the selected action
killerkilroy uses the Transport action and moves 1 coal die to an empty depot
killerkilroy moves to a Coal storage location using Transport & Hauling action
05:05 AM
Rumbleman moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
04:22 AM
bobbypumps moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
02:43 AM
Phase 3: Choose Special Action & Position Barge
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Gun Factory
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Forge
Drawing a marker: Reichsstift Essen industry
Phase 2: Draw Demand Marker
1774: Building locks is allowed now.
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
No export takes place in this round
Phase 7: Award Export Victory Points
killerkilroy siger pas
3/23/2025 01:12 AM
Rumbleman siger pas
11:10 PM
bobbypumps siger pas
10:30 PM
Phase 6: Purchases and Debt Management
Phase 5: Claim Progress Markers
killerkilroy receives 2 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
killerkilroy sells a coal die to Mülheim (By) for 3 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
09:15 PM
Rumbleman receives 2 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
Rumbleman sells a coal die to Werden (By) for 3 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
Rumbleman takes 1 Thaler(s) from the location
Rumbleman receives 1 Thaler(s)
12:36 AM
bobbypumps receives 1 Thaler(s)
bobbypumps spends 1 Thaler to place a development cube
bobbypumps sells a coal die to Steele (By) for 2 Thaler(s).
Obstacle on the river: the coal die value is reduced by 1
bobbypumps takes 1 Thaler(s) from the location
bobbypumps receives 1 Thaler(s)
3/22/2025 12:28 AM
Phase 4: Deliver Coal
killerkilroy moves to a Coal storage location
09:26 PM
bobbypumps moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
08:47 PM
Rumbleman moves to a Coal storage location using Pilot action
08:40 PM
Phase 3: Choose Special Action & Position Barge
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Witten
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Steele
Putting 1 Thaler on location: Werden
Drawing a marker: Werden/Witten/Steele cities
Phase 2: Draw Demand Marker
bobbypumps receives 1 Thaler(s)
Rumbleman receives 1 Thaler(s)
killerkilroy receives 1 Thaler(s)
1769: All players receive 1 Thaler.
Phase 1: Conduct Historical Event
En ny runde begynder
Farverne for killerkilroy, Rumbleman, bobbypumps blev valgt ifølge deres præferencer. Skift mine præferencer.
3/21/2025 08:06 PM
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